For Admissions : +91-80-23637544

About Sindhi College

Sindhi College, Bengaluru was established in the year 2002, under the aegis of Sindhi Seva Samiti, a philanthropic organisation managed by the Sindhis with, "Service to Human kind" as their motto and was inaugurated by Sri.L.K.ADVANI the then Deputy Prime Minister of India and Sri.S.M.Krishna the then Chief Minister of Karnataka.

Since then, the growth of the Institution has been phenomenal and is recognised as one of the premier institutions not only in the city of Bengaluru but also among the other states of India.The college is permanently affiliated to Bengaluru City University. It is a self-financing, co-education college imparting quality education in the streams of Humanities, Science, Commerce and Management, offering UG and PG courses.

The objective of the institution is to create an indelible mark on the canvas of higher education with a vision to expand the horizons in the realm of teaching-learning, wherein young talented students are groomed and transformed into thinkers, researchers and entrepreneurs seeking opportunities in the industry or academics.

The institution is making all out efforts to build confidence among the students to excel in academics, professional ventures and personal lives. The college is endowed with state-of-the-art infrastructure. The college has a team of highly qualified, dedicated and multi-faceted faculty who guide the students to become academically competent, professionally superior, industrious and socially responsible.

We are very proud to place on record that the college has made commendable contributions in shaping careers of hundreds of its students and has played a significant role in the holistic development of them, who in turn have brought laurels to the institution by their high level of performance, conduct and character.

To nurture creativity, talent and performance by providing high quality education in a state- of- the-art environment and mould aspiring youth into future leaders.

  • Inculcating high value through integrity
  • Empowerment through knowledge
  • Development through social conscience
  • Community upliftment through employability

Sindhi College is committed to reach global standards and impart quality education integrated with values to students enabling them to excel in the fields of Humanities, Science, Commerce and Management to cater to the ever changing and challenging needs of the society and the industry and also make them responsible citizens of the country.

  • To develop spirit of inquiry , scientific temperament and pursuit of knowledge among students and faculty
  • To impart quality education that would endow students with knowledge and skills which will endure them for life
  • To create an environment in the institution which is conducive for achieving academic excellence
  • To usher in total quality management
  • To impart value based education
  • To sensitize students on gender related issues and strive towards women’s empowerment and gender equality
  • To strive towards development of healthy stake holders’ relationships
  • To bring about transparency in organizational functioning through decentralized governance and participative management
  • To improve ethics and work culture in the institution
  • Sensitise students and create a sense of responsibility towards social, environmental issues and national development

  • To nurture a culture of continuous improvement in all facets of the institution in tune with the emerging trends in the field of education
  • To motivate students to pursue academic excellence
  • To inculcate life skills like discipline, punctuality and regularity
  • To ensure that the institution functions as per the rules and regulations stipulated by the university and the government as regards conduct of classes, examination and evaluation
  • To provide variety of academic programmes and elective options to the aspiring students to meet the changing needs of the society
  • To adopt student centric teaching – learning techniques
  • To promote innovations in teaching – learning process
  • To encourage staff to enhance their professional competency
  • To promote research culture in the institution
  • To bring about holistic development of the personality of students through conduct of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
  • To enhance accessibility for students belonging to socially and economically weaker sections of the society by providing financial and moral support
  • To promote environmental consciousness among students and faculty
  • To involve students in community oriented outreach programmes and nation building activities so as to produce socially and culturally conscious citizens with concern for community and nation at large
  • To establish Academia-Industry linkage
  • To promote entrepreneurship
  • To maintain state-of - the art infrastructure and congenial learning environment
  • To adopt self-assessment processes and analyse performance against well set benchmarks

Office Bearers of the Management

Office Bearers
Sri. Sanjeev Atmaram President
Sri. Aashish Amarlall Chairman
Sri. Kiran S Chawla Hon. Secretary
Sri. Harish Ishwardas Hon. Treasurer
Sri. Rohit R Kukreja Hon. Jt. Secretary

Infrastructure Facilities

Key Factors

Good academic ambience conducive to nurture
       thinking and learning
World-class Auditorium and Indoor Sports stadium
Guest lectures, Workshops, Seminars, FDPs & MDPs
Dedicated Placement wing
Curriculum Enrichment Courses and Activities
Excellent Student Support Services
Industrial tour / Education tour
Parking Facilities
Industry-Institute Interactive Programme

Internship with Industries
Wi-Fi Facility
Career Counselling Sessions by Industry Experts
Well Stocked Library
Exclusively Structured Soft Skills and Personality
       Development Programmes
Development through Social Conscience
NSS and NCC Wings
Merit and Sports Scholarships

Message from the Principal

Greetings from Sindhi College!

It is my pleasure to welcome you to our college. Sindhi College is an institution known for its commitment towards excellence in every aspect of its institutional life. The college has grown and evolved to become one of the most esteemed and premier institutions in the city of Bengaluru. Education is not an act of acquiring knowledge but learning a skill to lead life and framing one’s personality. The main objective of Sindhi College is the holistic development and character building of the student.

This is achieved by providing good academic ambience, higher level teaching – learning experience, co–curricular, extra-curricular activities, value added courses, outreach programmes and opportunities for placement.

We focus on discovering, developing and drawing out the hidden talents and the magic lying dormant inside all of its students. In today’s dynamic world, a 360 degree development and grooming is of supreme importance and through our institution we are creating an event for future leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who possess skills and aptitudes in an array of functional discipline.

I am positive that in times to come we will continue this journey with elevated enthusiasm and persistently provide a platform of holistic learning to the young generations of learners.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Asha N


Our Story

  • College received “Times Business Awards for Excellence in Academics, Student Support & Infrastructure”
  • Intake for BCA Course enhanced from 120 to 180 seats.
  • BBA - Enhancement of seats from 80 to 140.
  • NAAC 2nd Cycle Re-accredited
  • ISO 9001:2015 - 2nd Annual Surveillance Audit
  • Commencement of BCom – Logistics and Supply Chain Management Course
  • Enrolled as the first Institutional member by Karnataka Cancer society(Regd.) The membership certificate received from Bharat Ratna Prof.C.N.R. Rao on 29/1/19.
  • First NAAC sponsored National Conference organized on 22nd and 23rd March 2019 on the theme "Strategizing Teaching-Learning Quality Enhancement & Sustenance"
  • Series of 150 Lectures on "Gandhi-Life, Message, ideas & ideas" started on 15/5/19 in association with Karnataka Gandhi Smarka Nidhi
  • BBA(Aviation Management), & Supply Chain Management), M.A(English) started.
  • Intake for BCA Course enhanced from 80 to 120 seats.
  • Construction of Classroom in Government Primary School at Dasegowdanadoddi, Ramnagara with support from students, staff and management completed.
  • Publication of Vidwath – In house Research Journal
  • College gets recognition from UGC under 2(f) and 12(B)
  • Starting of B.A Course in Journalism, Psychology, English
  • College gets ISO 9001:2015 Certification.
  • Alumni Association registered
  • IBM certified Business Analytics and Google certified Digital Marketing Programme started.
  • IPR cell constituted
  • 12 Students Research Projects Completed.
  • 6 Students Research Projects ongoing
  • State Level Workshop on “IPR in India” in association CIPRA, NLSIU and BUFGPA was conducted
  • National Conference on “Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Start-ups for Economic Transformation – Trends, Opportunities and Challenges” was organised.
  • Naming of trees with their botanical names and medicinal uses carried out at BBMP park.
  • Building of class room in Government Primary School at Dasegowdanadoddi , Ramanagara with support from students, staff and management initiated
  • School Bags, Books etc to the students of Government School , Dasegowdanadoddi distributed
  • Scored 80% in LI C of BU(3 successive years)
  • Won 1st Prize in Firing by NCC Unit for Goa & Karnataka unit.
  • Digita Campus installed.
  • Received award by SSSAK
  • Students Paper Presentation competition conducted
  • Renovation of Library and Principal's Chamber
  • Organized First International Conference & Kavi Sammelan in Hindi
  • Name of the College changed from Sindhi College of Commerce to Sindhi College
  • Commencement of M.Com - Financial Analysis
  • Value Added Program in a foreign language - French started
  • Affiliation granted to start B.A in Journalism, Psychology/English/Kannada
  • HR Policy published
  • 17 Faculty MRPs approved
  • Inauguration of "Sindhi Research Cell"
  • Commencement of NCC wing
  • NSS signed MOU with SSSAK
  • Inauguration of Science Club
  • Enhancement of seats in B.Com and BCA
  • Conducted intercollegiate tournaments making it International standards Basket ball & Cricket
  • Renovation of Auditorium and Indoor Stadium
  • Scored 80 marks in LIC Evaluation
  • Bangalore University granted permanent affiliation to College
  • Introduced "Cambridge University Assessment Programme (BEC)"
  • Commencement of BSc Course
  • Commencement of M.Com Course
  • Conducted First National level Seminar by Languages Dept.
  • Conducted First National level Seminar
  • Organized first Job Fair "Azure"
  • Signed MOU with TCS for "Retail Analytics Program"
  • Commencement of NSS Unit
  • Conducted "First International Confluence & Panel discussion on New Challenges and opportunity for growth in India”
  • Phenomenal increase in Strength Conducted First Alumni Meet
  • Introduced more no of Value Added Programs
  • Commencement of BCA Course
  • Conducted First Intercollegiate Cultural Fest - "Cresindo"

Launched first College Magazine "Sindhu Tarang"


Commencement of BBA Course       


Commencement of B.Com Course