For Admissions : +91-80-23637544

Teaching & Learning Process

Teachers at Sindhi college believe that building rapport with students is important to achieve students' success. Students are encouraged to present their views, participate in class discussions, other activities like students' seminars, group discussions, mock interviews, role plays, power point presentations, education through dramas and films are all a part of teaching and learning process. Industrial visits are organized periodically to provide firsthand experience of corporate environment.

  • Mailing Study Materials, model question papers and question bank to the students
  • Online internal examinations.
  • Open question and answer sessions for all the courses.
  • Remedial Classes for slow learners.
  • Bridge Courses
  • Encouragement for research and presenting papers
  • Conceptual understanding through innovative teaching practices
  • Formative and Summative assessment


Sl. No. Name Qualification Designation
1Dr. Asha NM.Com, MBA, M.Phil, Ph.DPrincipal
2Mr. Devaraju SMLISC,MA,M.PhilChief Librarian
3Prof. Vaidyesh M A M.Com,MBA,M.Phil. MA (Eng)Associate Professor
4Dr. Kariyanna SM.A,B.Ed, NET, Ph.D.Professor-HOD
5Prof. Subrahmanya N RM.A,B.Ed,Vidwath,SLETAssociate Professor - HOD
6Prof. Radhika E KMS(IT) (Ph.D)Academic Co-ordinator, Associate Professor-HOD
7Lt. Shankara B PM.PedPhysical Education Director NCC Officer
8Prof. Sashikala UMBA,PGDHRM (Ph.D) Associate Professor - HOD
9Prof. Priya HariMCAAssociate Professor & Assistant HOD
10Prof. Hemalatha RMCA,M.Phil Associate Professor
11Dr. Ranjana PillaiMA, Ph.D.Associate Professor - HOD
12Dr. Padmavathy KMA , M.Phil, LLB, NET, Ph.DProfessor& HOD
13Prof. Jayashree TambadM.Com, M.PhilAssociate Professor-HOD
14Prof. Nandini SM.Com, M.PhilAssistant HOD Associate Professor
15Prof. Chitty Babu RM.ScAssistant Professor
16Prof. Akilandeswari RBE, MEAssistant Professor
17Dr. GirirajkumarM.A, B.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.DAssistant Professor
18Prof. Raju H SM.A, M.Phil, NET (Ph.D)Associate Professor
19Prof. Prathima RMBA Assistant Professor
20Prof. Kumar EM.Com, NET, K-SETAssistant Professor & Assistant HOD
21Mrs. Prameela B RMPEd (Ph.D)Physical Education Director
22Prof. Sharath MMBAAssistant Professor
23Prof. Pooja DM.Com, NETAssistant Professor
24Prof. R Raheela RoohinM.AAssistant Professor
25Dr. Rajdeep ManwaniMBA, M.Com, M.Phil, Ph.DResearch Head
26Prof. Shivakumar RM.ComAssistant Professor
27Prof. Arshiya KhanumM.Com, MBAAssistant Professor
28Prof. Namratha B MM.Com (FA), B.Ed, NETAssistant Professor
29Prof. Sandesh ZephaniahM.Sc (Psychology)HOD
30Prof. Koushik RM.Sc (Communication)Assistant Professor
31Prof. Poornima GMCAAssistant Professor
32Prof. BanuMA (English)Assistant Professor
33Prof. Pallavi G NMCA, B.EdAssistant Professor
34Prof. Dilroopa KNMA (Journalism)Assistant Professor
35Prof. Rajendra A VM.Com (CMA)Assistant Professor
36Prof. Grace JM.ComAssistant Professor
37Prof. Kruthika N SMBAAssistant Professor
38Dr. Roopa R AnagodM.Sc, M.Phil ,Ph.DHOD, Administration Co-ordinator
39Prof. T LakshmammaMBA, MCA, NETAssistant Professor
40Prof. S GirishMCAAssistant Professor
41Prof. Shashikumara A KMCAAssistant Professor


Sl. No. Name Qualification Designation
1Dr. K Uma MaheswariM.Com, MBA, M.Phil, Ph.DProfessor
2Dr. M JubiM.Com, M.Phil, MBA, Ph.DAssistant Professor


Sl. No. Name Qualification Designation
1Mrs. Jayanthi SB.Com,PGDCS,MBAOffice Manager
2Mrs. Kavitha NB.Com,MBAAccounts Manager
3Mrs. Anitha KB.Com Office Superintendent
4Mr. Nagaraja Y KBA,B.ED, MA(Hindi)Liaison Officer
5Mr. Srinivas NBA Administrator
6Mr. RameshBESystem Administrator
7Mrs. Chandana Yadav MB.ComFront Dest Executive
8Mr. Thimmaiah N KB.Sc, PGDBAPlacement Officer


Sl. No. Name Designation
1Mr. Manjunatha Sharma K SLab Assistant
2Mr. Purushotham Y AElectrician
3Mr. Surya KumarDriver cum Supporting Staff
4Mr. Vijay Supreth VLibrary Assistant


Sl. No. Name Designation
1Mrs. GowrammaSupporting Staff
2Mr. Umesh JSupporting Staff
3Mr. Darshan MSupporting Staff
4Mr. Manoj MSupporting Staff


Sl. No. Name
1Mr. Ram Mohan
2Mr. Shekar A