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  • B.Com


Sindhi College started to offer B.Com in the year 2002. Ever since, this programme has catered to commerce aspirants who desire to build their professional competence on higher plateaus, with specialized knowledge in the fields of business and commerce.

  • B.Com [ L & SCM ]


Sindhi College has been offering B.Com courses for a long time. This course has catered to many a students to develop their professional competence and build their careers in the field of business and commerce.

  • BBA


Management is the buzzword in today’s commercial world. Management as a subject of study has evolved in to a separate stream. Managing organizations of different nature require different tools and techniques to find the solutions to its problems.

  • BBA [ Aviation ]


Management is the buzzword in today’s commercial world. Management as a subject of study has evolved in to a separate stream. Managing organizations of different nature require different tools and techniques to find the solutions to its problems.

  • BCA


"Information Technology and Business are becoming inextricably interwoven” – Bill Gates. Therefore Computer Science has irrefutable importance as a subject of study in today’s curriculum to become efficient software professionals in the IT Companies.

  • B.Sc


B.Sc - Bachelor of Science is a three year under graduate program established in the year 2014. The course follows the semester pattern prescribed by Bangalore University. The curriculum is followed as per the revised syllabus of CBCS.

  • BA


Bachelor of Arts provides well-rounded approach, which can offer versatility and options when seeking a career or a graduate degree. This is especially true in case of Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Journalism which fosters the students to develop excellent skills.

  • M.Com


Sindhi College started to offer M.Com in the year 2014. Ever since, this programme has catered to commerce aspirants who desire to build their professional competence on higher plateaus, with specialized knowledge in the fields of business and commerce.

  • M.Com [ FA ]


Sindhi College started to offer M.Com in the year 2014. Ever since, this programme has catered to commerce aspirants who desire to build their professional competence on higher plateaus, with specialized knowledge in the fields of business and commerce.