For Admissions : +91-80-23637544

IPR Cell

Code of Ethics for Research

The following are the Code of Ethics followed by the Faculty and students of the College :

  • A Research scholar should maintain personal honesty in learning, teaching and research.
  • A Research scholar should have a mutual trust to encourage the free exchange of ideas and enable all to reach their highest potential.
  • A research scholar should seek to ensure fairness in institutional standards, practices and procedures as well as fairness in interactions between members of the community.
  • A Research scholar should maintain personal honesty in learning, A Research scholar should uphold high standards of conduct in learning, teaching and research by sharing responsibility for promoting academic integrity.
  • A Research scholar should observe valid legal norms related to the conduct and publication of research particularly in relation to copyright, the intellectual property rights of third parties, the terms and conditions regulating access to research resources and the laws of libel.
  • A Research scholar should seek to make the results of its research as widely and as freely available as possible.
  • Wrong doing in research Intentional ,fraudulent or negligence behaviour like fabrication, plagiarism deliberate misrepresentation and other practices of research scholar that seriously deviate from the code are considered as misconduct.
  • A Research scholar should maintain confidentiality in research work.
  • A Research scholars should maintain respect among the co-researchers considering issues related to data sharing.
  • A Research scholar should be accountable to the terms and conditions of the research work.
  • Access provided to free online plagiarism test.

Completed Research Projects - Faculty

Sl. No. Name of the Principal Investigator Approximate Duration of the Project Title of the Research Project Amount/Fund Sanctioned Year of Sanction Department of Recipient
1 Dr. K. Uma Maheshwari 1 year "A Study on Impact of Demonetization and Cashless Economy on Micro and Small Scale Industry with reference to Peenya Industrial area, Bangalore North" Rs.63,000 2017 Department of Commerce and Management Studies
2 Ms. Sreevidya 15 months "Enforcement of Marital Duties through Arbitration" Rs.78,000 2017 Department of Commerce
3 Prof.Shashikala & Prof. Nandini 6 months "A Study on Consumer Preferences and Perception towards Organic Products with special reference to retail outlets in Bangalore North" Rs.10,000 2017 Department of Management
4 Mrs. Y S Kalaivani 2 years "Intrusion Detection in Network using Data Mining Algorithms using Hadoop" Rs.50,000 2017 Department of Computer Science
5 Dr. Ranjana Pillai 1 years "Sahitya Samaj Ka Darshan (Premchand Sahitya Ke Sandarbh Me)" Rs.45,000 2017 Department of Hindi
6 Dr. Padmavathy.K 1.5 years "Stress at Work Place -Causes, Effects and Solutions with Special Reference to Sindhi College Teaching Faculty" Rs.50,000 2017 Department of English
7 Mr.Sunil M Rashinkar 6 months "Investment Behavior with special reference to Bengaluru City District" Rs.25,000 2017 Department of Post Graduation(M.Com)
8 Dr. Ramananda.K 2 years "Women Participation in Indian Culture" Rs.75,000 2017 Department of Kannada
9 Ms. Prathima &
Mr. V Srihari
6 months "A Study on Investment Avenues of Salaried Women Working with Organised sector with special reference to Bangalore North Region" Rs.25,000 2017 Department of Commerce
10 Ms. Jayshree &
Mr. Kumar
1 years "A Study on Effects of Implementation of Goods and Services Tax on SME's with Respect to Peenya Industrial Area, Bengaluru" Rs.60,000 2017 Department of Commerce
11 Ms. Grace Victor &
Ms. Bhavya.M
1 years "A Study on Consumer Behaviour towards Kids Wear, with Special Reference to Chickpet, Bengaluru" Rs.50,000 2017 Department of Commerce

Ongoing Research Projects - Students 2019 - 20 - Beyond Curriculum

Sl. No. Title of the Project Name of the Guide Name of the Students Class Duration
1 "A Study on growth and development in automobile industry" Ms. Mamatha B V Anagha M.Kulkarni,
Akila B,
Rhea Joseph,
Arun Babu
IV Sem B.Com 3 Months
2 "Study on General Disregard for Soft Skills in a Bachelors Degree Course" Ms. Ramya N Samarth Aiyappa,
Shreyas S,
Shabana Kausar,
Rohit. H Rao.
IV Sem BCOM 3 Months
3 "A Study on Consumer Perception towards Digital Payment Modes with special reference to Kempapura Hebbal" Ms.Raji. N Tanmay Sapra,
Jamaluddin Ansari,
Shuba Shree K,
Afzal Khan,
Syed Zain.
IV Sem BCOM 3 Months
4 "A Study on Recent Trends in Banking Sector in India." Ms.Rubina Sulthana Prajwal F.Rakhia,
Vidya D.G,
Mamatha K,
Nitesh P.N,
Mamatha J.
II Sem Bcom 3 Months
5 "A Study on Problems and Challenges faced by Rural Entrepreneurs in Bangalore North" Ms.Grace J. Manasa M,
Nidhi Ullal,
Gaurraw Pamnani,
Shaik Arbaz Ali
II Sem BCOM 3 Months
6 "A Study on Impact of Social Networking Sites on Students with special reference to sindhi college." Ms.Kirthana H. Tejaswini V,
Nikitha G.S,
Rani N.
II Sem BCOM 3 Months
7 "A study on the addiction to specific Apps in smartphones among Gen X" Mr. Vaidyesh M A Mr. Arya Sunil
Mr.Ajay Mathur,
Ms.K. Sri
II Sem BBA 3 Months
8 A study on small scale industries and their wages structure with special reference to hebbal, kempapura Mr. Srinidhi Ms. Kedareeshwari M IV Sem BBA 3 Months
9 Study of new technological innovations and their possible stratergical and operational effects on amozon’s supply chain Ms. Radhika E K Mr. Praveen
Ms. Ramya D U
Ms. Devi
IV Sem BCA 3 Months
10 A study on economic trends and their impact on gold Ms. Sowmya.G.S Mr.Walla Hisham Mustafa
IV Sem M.COM ( FA ) 3 Months

Completed Research - Projects Students 2018-19 - Beyond Curriculum

Sl. No. Guide Name Students Name & Class Name of the Research Project Duration of the project
1 Prof. N L Savitha Ajay Kumar A
Deepak Kumar J
Deepak Kumar N S
Mukul Anand S
Pawan A Talreja (II Yr B.Com)
The Effects of Famil Buying Decision Process 2 – 3 months
2 Prof. R.Akilandeswari Sushma R
Nithyashree (III Yr B.Sc)
On-Chip Permutation Network for Addressing Multiple Error 2 – 3 months
3 Prof.Priya Hari Shashank V
Kavyashree K
Tejas R (II Yr BCA)
Graphical Implementation of Bellman-Ford Algorithm 2 – 3 months
4 Prof.Prathima Hari Krishna A Study on the Factors Influencing Adaptation of Online Banking 2 – 3 months
5 Prof.Grace HariPriya K
Sinchana S (II Yr B.Com)
A Study on Effects of Digitalization on Retailing : Hebbal Region 2 – 3 months
6 Prof.Nagarathna Saqlain Khan
Kalyan Kumar
Chanchal S Wadha
Pooja Aggarwal (II Yr B.Com)
A Study on Ragging and its Effects and Consequences 2 – 3 months
7 Dr.Shwetha Malathi.V ( IV Sem M.Com ) Micro Finance and its impact on Socio-Economic Development of Women; (A Study of Bangalore District) 1 year

Workshop on Intellectual - Property Rights on 28/9/2018

Research Policy

    Institutional Research Policy

  • To encourage the faculty to take up quality research.
  • To create a Research Fund for Minor and Major Research Projects.
  • To encourage advanced learners amongst students (UG & PG) to take up minor research projects, survey based projects particularly during semester breaks by providing financial assistance
  • To arrange training programmes for students and faculty on research methodology and research skill development.
  • To organize conferences / seminars / workshops / FDPs by the respective departments in collaboration with the Research Centre.
  • To publish in-house journal - a collection of research papers and well written review articles (Proposal for obtaining ISSN number submitted).

    Institutional initiatives to facilitate research

  • To provide OOD facility and reimburse registration fee for teachers attending Conferences / Workshops / Seminars and involved in the data collection, subject to the condition that each teacher can attend 2 Seminars / Conferences in a Semester.
  • To provide TA & DA to faculty members who are presenting papers in Seminars / Conferences etc.
  • A full time faculty member can apply for minor research project once in a year or after completion of ongoing minor research project (At any point of timeeach faculty member can have only one ongoing project)
  • Duration of the minor research projects shall be one year and major research projects 2 years from the date of sanction of grant.
  • To provide monetary incentives for academic achievements of staff based on their publication and acceptance in peer reviewed journals of repute.
  • To acquire statistical analysis software (IBM, SPSS) and plagiarism software
  • To acquire computational programming language (MAT LAB)
  • To acquire discipline wise research methodology books to help literature survey, develop analytical skills.
  • To subscribe to more number of e-journals.
  • To follow up with the UGC for 2f & 12B recognition.
  • To send proposal to NAAC for conducting National level Seminar.
  • To send research proposal to UGC after 2f & 12B recognition.

Management has sanctioned Research Fund of Rs.10 Lakhs for research by Faculty and Students.

Research Advisory Committee

Sl. No. Member Designation
1 Dr. H.A. Ranganath Former Director, NAAC & Emeritus Professor, IISC, Bengaluru
2 Dr. K. Eresi Former Dean & Chairman, Faculty of Commerce, Bangalore University
3 Dr. H.Hanumathappa Chairman, Department of Computer Science, Bangalore University
4Dr. B.S. Srikanta Director
5Prof. Asha.N Principal
6Dr. Rajdeep Manwani Research Head
7Dr. Uma Maheshwari Research Co-ordinator
8Dr. Padmavathy HOD, English Department
9Dr. Ranjana Pillai HOD, Hindi Department
10Dr. Giriraj Kumar Faculty in Hindi Department
11Dr. Rahul Kavishkar HOD, PG Department
12Dr. Jubi Faculty in PG Department
13Prof. Jayashree Tambad HOD, Commerce Department
14Dr. Kariyanna HOD, Kannada Department
15Dr. Roopa HOD, Mathematics Department
16Dr.Kalaivani Associate Professor, Computer Science Department

Research Cell Activities

  • Research Centre established on 13/8/2016
  • Research Advisory Committee consisting of eminent personalities in the field of higher education constituted.
  • A fund of Rs.10 Lakhs is created by Sindhi Seva Samiti for financing Minor and Major Research Projects
  • Release of edited book with ISBN number – “Navya Sahithyadalli Stree Samvedane” a collection of research articles which highlights the role of women in literature and their contributions to the literature.
  • A National Conference on “Women in Academic Institutions – Opportunities, Challenges and Constraints” was organized on 9/2/2017. 108 delegates across the country participated in the seminar. 105 research papers were presented in the seminar. Selected research papers were published in the proceedings with ISBN number.
  • Workshop on “Research Methodology” by Dr.B S Srikanta was held on 27/12/2016
  • Guest Lecture on “Research Methodology” by Dr. K.Uma Maheswari for IV Sem BBA Students was held on 7/3/2017
  • “Glory of Vijaya Nagara Empire” an intensive research work by Dr.K.Ramananda, Research Coordinator was published by the college Research Cell on 16/3/2017.
  • FDP on “How to Write a Good Quality Research Paper” by Dr. Rangaraj was conducted on 18/11/2017.
  • Workshop on “Research Methodology” by Prof. Senthil Kumar was conducted on 26/03/2018
  • National Conference on “Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Start-Ups for Economic transformation, Trends, Opportunities & Challenges” was organized on 13/04/2018
  • “Wissen”Inter-Collegiate Students Paper Presentation competition was organized on 20/4/2018
  • Guest Lecture on “Tools for Data Analysis in Business Research Methods” by Ms. Sandhya Manoj was held on 20/4/2018.
  • Under aegis of Research Cell of the College, 12 students’ minor research projects were successfully completed for the academic year 2017-18.
  • “Vidwath” – In house Research Journal Vol – 1, Issue-1 published in the month of June 2018.
  • Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights in India” in association with “CIPRA”, ”NLU” & ”BUFGPA” was organized on 28/9/2018.
  • Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights and Related Laws with special focus on Laws relating to Patents and Copy Rights” by Ms.Bhavana B was conducted on 19/11/2018.
  • Workshop on “IPR and related Laws with special focus on Laws relating to Trademarks” by Ms.Janhavi K M was organized on 10/12/2018.
  • “Vidwath” – In house Research Journal Vol – 1, Issue- 2 published in the month of December 2018 with Eleven refereed papers.
  • Workshop on “Research Methodology & Data Analysis” by Dr. Senthil Kumar was organized on 15/03/2019.
  • Guest Lecture on “Techniques of Data Analysis for Business Research” by Ms. Sandhya Pawar was held on 2/4/2019
  • “Wissen” Inter-Collegiate Students Paper Presentation competition was organized on 11/04/2019.
  • Under aegis of Research Cell of the College, 6 students’ minor research projects were successfully completed for the academic year 2018-19.
  • "Vidwath” – In house Research Journal Vol – 2, Issue- 1 published in the month of August 2019 with nine refereed papers.
  • Workshop on “Research Methodology and Data analysis” was organized on 2/03/2020
  • “Wissen” – Inter-Collegiate Students Paper Presentation competition was organized on 12/3/2020
  • Under aegis of Research Cell of the College, 9 students’ minor research projects are on-going.
  • Online guest lecture on Techniques of Data Analysis for Business Research by Ms. Sandhya Pawar on 7/5/2020
  • “International Webinar On Establishing a Nexus among IPR- Pedagogy- Competition” was organized on 29/8/2020
  • “Vidwath” – In house Research Journal Vol – 2, Issue - 2 published in the month of October 2020 with eight refereed papers.

Ongoing Research Projects - Faculty

Name of the Principal Investigator Approximate Duration of the Project Title of the Research Project Amount/Fund Sanctioned Year of Sanction Department of Recipient
Prof. M.A. Vaidyesh & Ms. N.L. Savitha6-8 monthsAn Analytical Study of Students’ Behaviour and Academic Performance in Background of Revolution in Communication Technology, with reference to Bangalore Central University, Bangalore Rs.51,0002017 Department of Management
Prof. Subrahmanya Bhat2 yearsA Study on Status of Sanskrit in Karnataka-Opportunities and ChallengesRs.1,15,0002017 Department of Sanskrit
Mrs. E. K. Radhika2 yearsSecurity Mechanism in Generic Medicines using Android Applications Rs.50,0002017 Department of Computer Science
Mr. Kariyanna. S1 year and 6 months Maddevu Gramadha Shakthi Devathe Swaramma Rs.65,0002017 Department of Kannada
Dr. Giriraj Kumar1.5 yearsVarthaman Samaj Ki Dhasha Aur Dishha Ke Sandarb Me Mamatha Kaliya Ke Upanyas Rs.2,50,0002017 Department of Hindi
Mr. Kariyanna. S & Mr. Manjunath18 monthsVishesha Dinaacharanegilu:Samskrutika Sthityantara Rs.1,00,0002017 Department of Kannada

Completed Research - Projects Students 2017-18 - Beyond Curriculum

Sl. No Guide Name Students Name & Class Name of the Research Project Duration of the projectcipient
1 Prof.Radhika E K Amit Kumar
(V Sem BCA)
"Sindhi Digi Notes" 2 Months
2 Prof. Shashikala U Reethu Rachel Raj
(VI Sem BBA)
"A Study on the Impact of Job stress on the Physical and Mental Wellbeing of I.T Employees with Special Reference to Cognizant Technology Solutions, Bangalore" 2 Months
3 Prof. Shashikala Ananya Hebbar
Smrithi S
Indrani I Baidya
( VI Sem BBA)
"A Study on the Impact of Women Empowerment Measures on Equal Opportunities in Terms of Social, Political and Economic Domains" 2 Months
4 Prof. Hemalatha R Abdul Razack
Md. Muzammil
Pooja Singh T
(VI Sem BCA)
"Online Faculty Feedback Analysis" 2 Months
5 Prof. Hemalatha R Dinesh Kumar
Nirmal Kumar
Gagan Singh Dhame
(VI Sem BCA)
"E-Waste Management" 2 Months
6 Prof. Y.S. Kalaivani Mohit Khandelwal
Yogesh S
(IV Sem BCA)
"Internal Marks Assessment System" 2 Months
7 Prof. Vaidyesh M.A KishanKhiya
(V Sem BBA)
"An Analytical Study to know the most preferred E-Commerce website and the reasons behind its success" 2 Months
8 Prof. Nandini.S Suraj Raju K
(VI Sem BBA)
"An analytical Study on Customer Preferences towards Big Bazaar" 2 Months
9 Prof. Rashmi Malashree N
Sahana M
Keerthana R Kumar
(VI Sem B.Sc)
"Efficient Energy usage using Led Light" 2 Months
10 Prof. Asha.N DeepnaPrakash
PriyankaYadav M
(VI Sem B.Com 'B')
"A Study on Consumer Perception on Patanjali Products" 2 Months
11 Prof. Padmavathy.K Preksha
Hari Prasad Naidu
(VI Sem B.Com)
Shashank (VI Sem BBA)
"A Study on Increase in Number of Residents in Old Age Homes in and Around Kempapura and Yelahanka Areas" 2 Months
12 Prof. Roopa Anusha S
Ashwini R
Manav M Bajaj
Kishore J
Rohan K
Chanda Choudhary B
(IV Sem B.Com 'B')
"Comparative study of the facilities available in Public and Private Banks" 2 Months

Research Expertise

Sl. No Professor Name Qualification Area of Research Interested Area to Guide
1Dr. B. S. Srikanta M.Sc, Ph.D Physics – Condensed Matter  
2 Dr. K. RamanandM.A, Ph.DKannada – Cultural study of inscriptions of Vijaya nagara empire. Ancient history of Karnataka, Kannada novels, Indian culture
3 Dr. Ranjana Pillai M.A, Ph.DHindi Literature Poetry
4 Dr. Giriraj Kumar M.A, B.Ed, M.Phil,
Hindi Literature Drama
5 Dr. Padmavathy K M.A, LLB, M.Phil,
English & Communication ELT
6 Dr. Rahul K Kavishwar M.Com, MBA,
M.Phil, Ph.D
Finance Finance & General Mgmt.
7 Dr. Uma Maheswari M.Com, MBA, Ph.DManagement HR and Marketing Management

Research Cell Inauguration

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Hindi Seminar on 11/3/2015

English Seminar on 11/3/2015